If your law firm has neglected your social media account or even avoided creating one, you are leaving an important resource on the table. After all, the best way to bring in clients is to go to them — and they are on social media.
In fact, with more than 80% of people in the United States on social media, according to Statista, it’s an important place to connect with potential clients.
Of course, it’s not as simple as creating an account. Rather, you want to be on the right platform and share the right content to build your brand, engage with potential clients, and enhance the overall value of your marketing campaigns.
Here is how you can use social media to help your law firm.
Promote your brand
When customers have questions about businesses, they generally start online. Having a strong social media presence will give you a say in what people see.
Whether you want to create a brand around an area of your practice, a particular philosophy, or another important attribute, social media can help you showcase your firm and attract clients who need your services.
Grow your audience
Social media is a cost-effective way to reach and grow your audience. You can leverage Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other channels to create customizable paid social campaigns that get you noticed, whether you’re new to social media or have an established presence.
Because various platforms are used differently, you want to reach users in the right way by connecting with people who would benefit from the information you share and encouraging them to invite their friends to follow you. After all, the bigger the audience, the bigger your outreach.
Engage customers
Social media can be a great place to answer specific questions about your law firm or help people connect with you. For example, if you post a thought on family law, a user who is looking for an attorney may comment on the post to ask if your firm handles divorce cases. It doesn’t matter that the user could have found an answer elsewhere because now you have an opportunity to respond to the comment and share how to schedule an appointment.
Additionally, when people ask their online communities for referrals and your law firm has a profile, that profile can be directly linked in comments.
Share valuable content
Users who are looking up law firms on social media may need legal advice. By sharing general content, your firm becomes a valuable resource and is viewed as a helpful and professional option.
If a user trusts that you are knowledgeable in your practice areas and are willing to help, that trust can translate into clients.
Enhance marketing campaigns
Not only should you be on social media, but your website should be responsive to mobile devices.
“In 2020, not only does almost every American have a mobile device that they carry with them everywhere, but the pandemic has made them more reliant on these devices than ever for everything from getting groceries to seeing a doctor online,” according to the American Bar Association. “Without a website (that is responsive to mobile devices) many law firms will not only be at a competitive disadvantage, but they will be practically invisible.”
Simply put, if you are not on social media, your marketing campaigns will not reach their potential. Visit CompulseLegal.com to learn more about how to use social media effectively and to schedule a free demonstration of marketing services that will help you.