After many years, Microsoft has decided to end support of Internet Explorer. While some businesses have switched to another browser already, some are still relying on Internet Explorer. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming end of Internet Explorer:
When is support ending?
Support of Internet Explorer will end in August of 2021. One important thing to note is that IE 11 isn’t disappearing completely. Users with legacy IE 11 apps will still be able to access and use those apps for the time being. However, if your business only uses the browser, now is a good time to start thinking about making the switch to another browser.
What does this mean for my business?
With support ending, businesses will have to turn to one of the many other browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. This may seem like a daunting task for businesses that are used to using IE; however, it’s as simple as notifying your employees of your new preferred browser and making sure everyone downloads or installs that browser.
It also plays a key role in your website and social platforms. With support ending, most agencies will phase out the optimization of websites and other content through IE. As of right now, that won’t be something that your business will have to worry about, but it is something to keep in mind moving forward.
What does this mean for website development?
With Internet Explorer being one of the oldest web browsers, it came as no surprise that it is being retired. While the design, build, and QA processes of web development will remain the same, it will exclude the extensive testing in IE. Overall, phasing out IE won’t change much. In fact, it will free up a portion of the workflow of a typical web team, alleviating any stress that comes from optimizing a site in this platform.
While Internet Explorer is being phased out, there shouldn’t be any great impact on your business’ day-to-day life. With access to the apps still being available and with other browser options, transitioning from one to another is just a quick change. With plenty of time to plan, this should be a stress-free transition for all businesses.
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